General information

The Vukovar-Srijem County – plains surrounded by the rivers Danube and Sava and washed with six more rivers.
The cradle of oak forests and vineyards, bread and wine, paprika-flavored salami and brandy, gold coins (ducats) and Šokadija .
The Vukovar-Srijem County – people, eternal border guards and proud tradition keepers, blended with nature and heritage, have given their best to the soil and received the best from it in return.
All the riches of the nature, soil, forests, rivers, bread have been motherly kept by the warm human hand. The life, once created, has never extinguished here.
The Vukovar-Srijem County – the easternmost Croatian county where the Slavonian plain meets with Syrmian hills, has been the longest inhabited area in this part of Europe – the town of Vinkovci, and there is also the youngest Croatian town – Otok. This is a wealthy area. Rich in nature, history, culture, tradition, song, dance, people – rich in life!
The Vukovar-Srijem County is the easternmost Croatian county.
This is the place where the East and the West met, through culture, history and traffic. The county occupies the area of 2448 m2, out of that 150 000 h the richest Croatian ploughland, and 70 000 h forests.
Here you can find the biggest red oak tree forest in this part of Europe. Eight rivers flow through this area – the Danube, Sava, Vuka, Bosut, Biđ, Studva, Spačva and Berava. The vast plains and hills of Fruška Gora with famous Ilok vineyards meet in the Vukovar-Srijem County. The Vuka River, which flows through the center of Vukovar, is the natural border of Slavonia and Syrmia (Srijem).